Stop conceiveing Start adopting

This might sound a little creepy but I really think that everyone from our generation or..... for that matter next generation shud stop reproducing and start adopting.

This does not mean at all that you should stop having sex, it rather means that you should stop producing out of your sessions :).

This is just meant for those who have any plans to become parent down the lane.

Fulfilling your dream to become parent does not have to do anything with reproducing. You can be single thru your life and still be parent. But lets not deviate (after all, nobody wants to be single thru his/her life), lets just think about this.

There are so many "proudly" unclaimed children out there on roads or... the ones who lost their family while doing a thanksgiving to nature; living their life in total darkness at different places; either growing up malnourished in an orphanage or serving as a child labor in some factory or in someone's house (It just happens in India that middle class people can afford a servant). If you look through the eyes of these unclaimed childs you will see no less dreams than a child who is being brought up in a self-sufficient family. BOTH ARE EQUALLY INNOCENT KIDS.

It doesn't make sense to produce a new life when so many existing innocent lives are being tortured everyday. The love and attachment does not come just because something came out of your body, it comes because you spend so much of time caring for something.If everyone starts adopting instead of reproducing, this whole earth will have a better face soon.

ps: this suddenly reminds me of Angelina Jolie. She has showcased such great motherhood tht now... I can't even fantasize about her (even if I try).