Election Fiesta - The System Fiasco

The most disturbing ever moment for our country is Lok Sabha elections. Being a so called democratic country, elections are necessary but they need not be so loud. No educated and sensible person will vote a moron just because he can move with 100's of bikes and cars behind him and not to mention the deafening loud speakers.

I was sleeping on a saturday morning recently after a hectic long week, when people in number of 100's walked past the road below my house, shouting like aliens, making sound with their vehicles and loud speaker. And know what, I have decided to vote for any other moron , even the recent Pappu bhai from TOI ad,but not for that particular guy, whatever happens. Why the hell shoud I give a damn who he is and what right he has to shout like mad in number of 100's.

These netas are nt at all ready to leave us, nt even on internet. I was recently watching a video on youtube when suddenly our lovable Advani Ji's face appeared from the bottom of the window along with the symbol of his party, lotus. Try listening to Radio sometimes during election, you will listen to more promises than songs and you suddenly start thinking that what will happen to this country if everything becomes true.

Leave alone my personal and gadgety problems, but what about the system crash. Try to go from one city to other by bus during elction, you are not sure when somebody will stop the bus, at what time (may be 2 at nite), where (may be in the midst of a jungle) and why (u can be sure about this, required for election campaign and work). All the Govt offices are deserted well in advance before the election so that the employees can be trained to perform the election duties and also trained to risk their lives in front of Naxals.

This time, elections scaled new heights by not letting IPL happen in India. Its not about the live entertainment that we are going to miss but its about the 100's of crores of rupess that many Indians could have earned as a business and its about the insecure image that we have portrayed al over the world.

It does not finishes here. You never know, you might have to face another election in next 6 months or so. We have faced in past.

I dont understand why netas still think that people will believe in them just because they can show some colurful skies printed in a piece of paper, or because they have a bigger fan following. OOo.. fan following reminds me of newbies like sanjay dutt and old like ones in TN.

Its not impossible to conduct the election in a more organised way without necessarily losing some of the lives.

A more robust election commission with more man power can always conduct election in a better way. And please stop these senseless campaigns. If you got the agenda, just do it and show it. Dont shout it. Votes will automatically fall.