Stop conceiveing Start adopting

This might sound a little creepy but I really think that everyone from our generation or..... for that matter next generation shud stop reproducing and start adopting.

This does not mean at all that you should stop having sex, it rather means that you should stop producing out of your sessions :).

This is just meant for those who have any plans to become parent down the lane.

Fulfilling your dream to become parent does not have to do anything with reproducing. You can be single thru your life and still be parent. But lets not deviate (after all, nobody wants to be single thru his/her life), lets just think about this.

There are so many "proudly" unclaimed children out there on roads or... the ones who lost their family while doing a thanksgiving to nature; living their life in total darkness at different places; either growing up malnourished in an orphanage or serving as a child labor in some factory or in someone's house (It just happens in India that middle class people can afford a servant). If you look through the eyes of these unclaimed childs you will see no less dreams than a child who is being brought up in a self-sufficient family. BOTH ARE EQUALLY INNOCENT KIDS.

It doesn't make sense to produce a new life when so many existing innocent lives are being tortured everyday. The love and attachment does not come just because something came out of your body, it comes because you spend so much of time caring for something.If everyone starts adopting instead of reproducing, this whole earth will have a better face soon.

ps: this suddenly reminds me of Angelina Jolie. She has showcased such great motherhood tht now... I can't even fantasize about her (even if I try).

Gay rights - New face of unified India

Our country suddenly shows signs of development out of nowhere sometimes. For example, the decision of legalizing gay relationship, taken few days back by our honorable supreme court (i am suddenly feeling like calling it "our honorable" because of this decision), is definitely an admirable act. In fact, this has also changed the impression of Celina Jaitley, who previously was just considered sexy of-course but dead meat (if u don't believe me, see janasheen). Especially when she said that "if gay way of sex is illegal, then half of India shud be in Jail already". Oh man, that was really an intelligent quote.

Now leaving apart the broad and modernistic image of society that such decisions put forth; this has one really interesting and amazing aspect and i.e. it has surprisingly started unifying India, which no other cause can do ever. If you don't believe me again then just read these excerpts:

"It is a conspiracy to finish our moral values and those who are involved in such activities have no place in our society," Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari, president of Jamaat- e-Islami Hind, told reporters.

Father Dominic Emmanuel, Director of Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, claimed gay activities would increase the risk of HIV infection. He, however, made it clear that they were not in favour of treating homosexuals as criminals despite their activities are "unnatural". (condemning it one or other way)

Acharya Lokesh Muniji, a Jain religious leader, also maintained that the campaign to legalise homosexuality was "conspiracy to finish our social fabrics".

"Indian civilisation survived centuries after centuries because of its moral and spiritual values. Westernisation is not acceptable in the country," Muniji said. While Sardar Tarsem Singh of Delhi Sikh Guruduwara Prabandhak Committee said gay activities should not be encouraged as it is against the law of nature.

"Customs and traditions are broken.It will increase AIDS," said VHP leader, Giriraj Kishore.

"Homosexuality is Haram (prohibited) and an immoral act. It is unnatural. It is a punishable offence in Shariat. It is against the age old traditions and culture of India and of Islam," said Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Hind's Maulana Mehmud Madani.

"Homosexual relations and groups are advocating a new concept of family which is not self sustaining, not good for the future and the society. We will join other groups voicing similar concerns," said spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops Conference of India, Babu Joseph.

I have just pasted few here. There are lot more like this.

Now, can u believe that religious leaders of our country, ooo! sorry!... Fucking religious leaders of our country are speaking on same page. It's simply unbelievable. If such causes can bring forth the morons of our country together and united, then let us look for more such reasons. I get surprised by seeing that why is it only a wrong cause and hatred that tries to unite people. Why do these voices choose their own and private direction for a private fraternity when riots happen. Where do all these voices go, when terrorists attack our country.

These fucking morons have never done and can never do good for anyone. Its just a wink of an eye that these dickheads are pretending to be united. I bet that none of them are intelligent enuf to possess a thought about any human rights. They are good at only one thing. Devouring each other in the name of god, ooo! sorry!.... FUCKING GOD.

Michael Jackson is dead and I am crying. Isnt it too much?

Michael Jackson is DEAD. I am giving this BREAKING NEWS to you.

But if by any chance, any of you feels that its already known to you way too much, then congrats, you are also going through a horrible situation known as "MJDTMA - Michael Jackson's death too much already", similar to me. This is one of the deadliest diseases ever happened in the history of universe. Its totally incurable. None of the medical institutions are ready to take the charge for finding the cure to this disease.

Symptoms ->
You don't want to listen or read the letters M,J any more.
You are scared to switch through the news channels.
You feel like somebody has died in your family or neighborhood.

Lots of Laughter, its incurable

I hope this doesn't sounds like mocking someone's death and at the same time no body can deny the enormous amount of talent that MJ possessed. He was and will always be one of the front runners of world music but the fact is that he is already dead and everybody is mourning it. Fair enough. Its fair enough to mourn over someone's death whom you admired or loved. But its not at all fair to force it over someone and that is whats being done right now.

If you are good at maths then you could probably count the number of people who actually listened to MJ's music in countries like ours. But still, the media is celebrating it.

On D-Day (death day), most of the news papers and news channels covered the same story and let us know that MJ is dead. Media Pro-activeness admired (I hope no body knew it before it actually happened). But what about today? Why am I still being served with the same state of sorrow?

When I say State of sorrow, its meant for the readers and probably MJ's family and his children for sure. Its definitely a fiesta for most the people out there serving it. I don't know the figures but it would have definitely generated millions of rupees for media because it was the most sought after news recently.

The fact is that very few are really affected by anyone's death. If you leave alone his/her direct links, rest all is just frenzy. When we create such a big deal out of someone's death, we actually make a fun out of it. It could never make a sense to bid public adieu to a deceased person over a microphone. He was a celebrity, he had a great fan following, so, his fans probably had their rights to see him for the last time, which could have been done in a better way but a performance by Mariah Carey or pushing his daughter towards mike to speak sssomething was definitely not called for. I mean what could you expect from a child who has just lost her father.

This was not enough. The event was covered live on news channels. Can somebody believe it? You get to watch a burial live on TV.

This all just leaves me scared with the thoughts about the day when people like Sachin Tendulkar or Amitabh Bachhan or Balasaheb Thackeray or Karuna Nidhi take their last breathe. I wish a long long life to all of them and hope that they live long enough to see people get seriously educated and not make a fun out of someone's death.

Justice too in India is ruled by Bollywood.

I dont belong to any sort of celebrity caste, this is one thing I want to make clear before anybody reading, continues. But whatever the title suggests is definitely true.

The recent Shiney Ahuja maid rape case is one of the proofs. Had it been a not so famous man or any cop in specific.. it might have taken the maid years to bring her case to the front. The media might be very active today... trying to bring all sorts of rape and molestation happening in the metros to the front but only metros. Few days back, a lady was gangraped by the cops of some state inside a police station, in daylight in night, but it took her more than 8 months to lodge a complain against them, leave alone the justice.

I definitely am not one of the eyewitnesses of shiney ahuja case, nor am a die hard fan of shiney ahuja but the fact still remains the fact that people keep looking for opportunity to bring themselves into limelight by looping in the celebrities.

If Mallika Sherawat wears skimpy clothes, how cud it heart the sentiments of a
lawyer sitting in Madhya Pradesh?

It has happened before and is still happening. Nobody has forgotten the Salman khan black buck poaching case yet, and nobody knows how many other animals or fr that matter, bucks had already been killed before the case happened. But only because it was a celebrity, it gathered so much of media attention.

Let's talk everyday life i.e hit and run cases (aren't they a part of everyday life?). I tell you, it happens very often in gem cities of India but nobody cares, but ya , if a celbrity hits and run it would defntly make a news.

A crime is a crime. No second thoughts to that, but then why do we discriminate while making justice? Let Shiney ahuja be sent to jail for life or wtever the court says, if he has raped the maid, but send those first who have ever raped a woman or commited any sort of crime. Let all the crime and criminals have equal oppportunity to go thru justice, after all they too are the citizens of India, dnt they deserve equality?

Racism in Australia ~= Regionalism in India

Racial abuse against Indians in Australia, might get a place in the list of saddest events ever and I know every Indian wud like this to happen.

But I never felt surprised or something when I read about this. Did u? Aren't we already very familiar with such events, noted practitioners of regionalism and racialism? Then why is this fuss there even in existence.

We shud silently tolerate all this without making a pinch of sound. Actually we have to tolerate, because we dnt have right to make any noise about it.

Who are we? Let me tell this in clear words.
We are the nation where people are killed because they belong to one caste or other.
We are the nation where people from one state are beaten and thrown away from other state.
We are the nation where people are burnt alive, not because they belong to a different caste, but they belong to a different sub-caste.
We are the nation, where speaking your mother tongue is considered as crime in few states.
We are the nation where foreign nationals are raped, because people are not habituated to bikini yet.

And surprising enuf, we react angry when we face racial abuse. We as a nation deserve this.

Wts the difference in being in India or somewhere else. You get the same treatment everywhere. Come to India, you might get thrashed while you travel thru Mumbai. Come to India, you might get killed if you travel thru Gujarat. Come to India, you might be refrained from speaking Hindi in some parts of south. Come to India, you might get burnt alive, if your sub-caste is known, while you travel thru Bihar.

I feel equally scared while travelling thru any part of India, as the Indian students in Australia wud currently be feeling.

Men think about sex all the time

I know, I dont need to prove the fact that "Men think about sex all the time", because being a man, or a woman experienced with man everybody knows that its true ;).... and I accept it graciously.

But, but, but... there is a problem here.. atleast from the angle I ammm seeing.

The problem is not what the title of this topic might suggest, because the title is not at all a problem, its rather one of the most passionate and beautiful things to tihnk about.. isnt it?.. Probably after love... or your work... or computers... or a thing that you are more passionate about or might prioritise personally.....

The problem is entirely different.

I am heading back once again to talk about problems with our Indian culture where "sex" is still a taboo and surprisingly this "tabooness" is being carried from genration to generation.

Leave alone the ubercool, metrosexual crowd where bedding each other might not be a very big deal, but wt about the percentage population of India? By percentage population I mean, the middle class, the recently educated, the "no-say-anywhere-not-even-in-personal-life" population. They dnt even have a say in their sex life.

The way sex has always been presented or seeen in our country (khajuraho days... if at all.. are alredy a never coming back history), a guy or a gal is not allowed to bed someone,unless signal "greened" by the society beause our culture (do we have a culture book?) says that marriage is the minimum limit fr that. I dont know wt special privilegese marriage gives. Does maarriage give a special kind of education which no other school can?

I dont understand, wts the problem. Physical requirements are ther, everybody knows that, then wts the problem. Why anybody has to wait till marriage? What will someone loose by if he/she has sex at 18?

There used to be a tradition probably during olden days, where the bedsheet was checked after first night to verify whether the girl "was" virgin or not? Believe it when I say, its not past. I can still show you people of such kind, well educated, working in an MNC, who look for an untouched girl. Bullshit. I mean if you r marrying someone at the age of 28 or 30 then u expect her (is it other way round too?) to have waited till that long. Total bullshit.

There have been lot of talks about sex eduation again and again and the same fails again and again too. We are not ready to open up the facts to kids. Why so? What do we think? Is it possible to hide this? Arent there enuf misleading resources giving all kind of wrong information?

Does unemployment also count in the list of problems because of "tabooness" of sex? I mean guys spend time roaming around girls, mostly for sex, and they dnt get it, they roam around, they dnt get it.. goes on n on.. ;) just a funny side.

Hiding something inside a pandora box, which otherwise is everyone's personal choice never does good. I dont get surprised when I see India's name listed
among fastest growing nations with highest number of AIDS patient. And you also dont get surprised when one more tourist in Goa or American student or a 2 year old baby gets raped.

People are sex hungry everywhere, true fr India too. The difference is, people here are refrained from getting it.

A free society always develops faster and better.

Freida Pinto - A star or Just a reality, how stars are born?

Freida Pinto... if you aren't familiar with this name yet, you definitely have been sleeping since last one year or so.

Man, haven't our ears and eyes paid a lot alredy by listening and reading this name all over, again and again, for no good reason?

I really am getting to know, now, that how our great stars are born (national and international). Our own slumdog babe Freida is a living example. This is just a sarcasm beause am in no mood to defame or derecognise the talent that all the celebs (sacchin tendulkar is also a celeb ;)... ) possess, but is it really the way we wish to recognise a celbrity. The Freida Pinto way? Oh god (this is the first time in my life when I am calling God's name), I suddenly feel like believing in you, from where does people like Freida Pinto achieve such a status?

She might be an undoubted talent. No doubt about the mighty chance of such a surprise. Surprise, because everyone must have seen slumdog by now (if not, go n watch it, its worth). But atleast give her a chance to prove herself. We are not ready to give her any opportunity. Are we so jealous that we are accepting her as a star before she starts off, so that she drops out soon. The way she had been capturing the headlines and magazine covers (no playboy yet, rt?) everywhere, unanimously, she seems to be at a hidden mission of bringing out the truth of media persons, that they all copy from each other. Give them one news and they wont look any where else. Comon man, there are other people too in the same movie. No body was ready to recognize them until oscars happened. Lot of people have been left unnoticed even after oscars.

Recognising someone in such a hurry, without any strong reason is nothing but a disrespect to the recognition that people like Shahrukh Khan, Brad Pitt, George Clooney or Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry (genderly sisters to Freida) have "ACHIEVED".

She barely had anything to do with the movie. She was used in a very good way to keep the movie going (thanks to Danny Boyle), but personally she sersly had nothing in her plate. Other people in the movie, like mahesh manjrekar, the central guy's brother, Irfan khan, and undoubtedly the kids deserve a lot more accolades (which they have been geting, but for all the wrong reasons like, being slapped, being driven out of their home, thanks to Indian media... oooo! I dnt want to talk about media rt nw) but still Freida is the star.

One more thing, I serlsy thought that the beauty lists that keep coming out in one form or other after every two hours or so, had some genuineness but after Slumdog Millionaire's release my thoughts changed. My humble reqqqqquest to any media person, or judge(if reading :)), please keep the list clean.

Election Fiesta - The System Fiasco

The most disturbing ever moment for our country is Lok Sabha elections. Being a so called democratic country, elections are necessary but they need not be so loud. No educated and sensible person will vote a moron just because he can move with 100's of bikes and cars behind him and not to mention the deafening loud speakers.

I was sleeping on a saturday morning recently after a hectic long week, when people in number of 100's walked past the road below my house, shouting like aliens, making sound with their vehicles and loud speaker. And know what, I have decided to vote for any other moron , even the recent Pappu bhai from TOI ad,but not for that particular guy, whatever happens. Why the hell shoud I give a damn who he is and what right he has to shout like mad in number of 100's.

These netas are nt at all ready to leave us, nt even on internet. I was recently watching a video on youtube when suddenly our lovable Advani Ji's face appeared from the bottom of the window along with the symbol of his party, lotus. Try listening to Radio sometimes during election, you will listen to more promises than songs and you suddenly start thinking that what will happen to this country if everything becomes true.

Leave alone my personal and gadgety problems, but what about the system crash. Try to go from one city to other by bus during elction, you are not sure when somebody will stop the bus, at what time (may be 2 at nite), where (may be in the midst of a jungle) and why (u can be sure about this, required for election campaign and work). All the Govt offices are deserted well in advance before the election so that the employees can be trained to perform the election duties and also trained to risk their lives in front of Naxals.

This time, elections scaled new heights by not letting IPL happen in India. Its not about the live entertainment that we are going to miss but its about the 100's of crores of rupess that many Indians could have earned as a business and its about the insecure image that we have portrayed al over the world.

It does not finishes here. You never know, you might have to face another election in next 6 months or so. We have faced in past.

I dont understand why netas still think that people will believe in them just because they can show some colurful skies printed in a piece of paper, or because they have a bigger fan following. OOo.. fan following reminds me of newbies like sanjay dutt and old like ones in TN.

Its not impossible to conduct the election in a more organised way without necessarily losing some of the lives.

A more robust election commission with more man power can always conduct election in a better way. And please stop these senseless campaigns. If you got the agenda, just do it and show it. Dont shout it. Votes will automatically fall.

Charity - The Biggest Crime Ever

"Robbin Hood is the biggest criminal in the history of world". How does that sound? Cynical, Skeptical, Derogatory etc etc... But its none of them... because its true...

Robin hood is famous only for one reason and that is - he robs the riches to give it to the poors... I mean that is an act of guts and humanity.. isn't it?Hurting one human to please other... though none of them are aware of what they have done. The only mistake made by the rich one is that he worked hard to earn for himself and the only fortune the poor one has got is... wow! he is poor.

We have Robin Hoods in our days also. All those people crying about the underprivileged treatment, unavailability of facilities and need of special treatment to a particular class of society are current age Robin Hoods. No one should have a doubt about that.

Lets keep aside the poor ones for a moment and look through the life of rich.

Not everyone who is rich is a born rich and those who are not, they work hard through out their life to earn a fortune not only for themselves but also their country and the society. They are the biggest additions to a country's economy. They create jobs, they carry other industries along with theirs, they educate people who work for them.

But whats the point of doing all this. At last , everyone is going to cry out that the guy who made it got the opportunity and one who couldn't, didn't get it at all. Lets just leave them alone because one who has got to do it will do it anyways... and nothings gonna matter as a matter of fact. Lets talk about the poor. The poor who wanted to do a lot but couldn't do, the poor who wanted to live a great lifestyle but couldn't live and the poor who wanted to become rich but couldn't make it. Why is it so? Why couldn't he do? May be because he was incapable to do anything or maybe he didn't get the proper environment and opportunities (Dhirubhai ambani probably is the son of jamshed ji tata..thats why he made it...oh but who was tata then.. where did he get the fortune from.. family.. and it kept growing without working??)

Its not true. Because all of us are equally capable of doing a thing or the other. But none of us want the poor to come forward.. so we use a very easy, good looking and lethal weapon named "CHARITY" which can very beautifully break the confidence of any human being in such a way as if it was never there.

Just think about it. What do you exactly do when you do a charity? .Don't you make a person feel that he is need of help? Don't you make a him feel that he is inept? Don't you give him a false feeling that you are there for him which is not true because you wont feed and educate him for lifetime? You do. And this way you totally convert a human being into an animal which doesn't know what to do. One which doesn't know its potential. One which always looks at you with a needy eye and probably makes you feel good by letting you know that you are better than some.

If you really want to do a charity then don't make a child of your own. Instead, adopt one, don't let him know that he is not your child, Bring him up like anyone else, educate him and teach him life. That will be a charity in true sense.

And damn the old Robin Hood and the current ones because they are the one responsible for making some human beings feel that they are in need of help.

The big fat Indian Wedding... and as small an achievment

This line "The big fat Indian wedding" can have several meanings. Does it mean that people eat a lot and turn fat after each wedding or does it mean a wedding of two utterly butterly Fat person?? We all know that none of these is true. It means a fat amount of money spent over the agreement of two persons to stay together for their entire life and.....,times might have changed a bit today but till very recent days and even now this agreement happens between two person who haven't met each other ever before and surprisingly they agree and spend the money of their lifetime over the same... just to stay with a unknown person for their entire life.

Whatever, its afterall a personal choice that whom u want to spend ur life with.. lets nt get into that. But what about the fatness of our wedding season. When evryone is planning to go slim and green... Indian weddings are growing fatter and fatter. I mean who cares about the people who have loads of money.. they ve gt it.. so they ought to spend it. But what happens to the normal Indian middle class which always try to follow... and ultimately finds itself in deep shit...

Deep shit... sounds too exaggerated a word to criticize such a beautiful occasion....! But Its true! We dnt have figures about how many "Ram" and "Shyam" (couldnt think of better names) drop out of their studies after their sister's marriage. Probably Ram drops out when first sister gets married and shyam drops out at the seocnd.

Whats the point of spending an amount which u cant afford thru ur lifetime (done one mistake alredy by not being enuf to afford the fatness... commiting second by trying to afford when u cant).

We boast our thoughts about gender equality... but hw could we convince a father to agree on gender equality who knows that he is earning only for one reason i.e. he needs to spend an amount that is more than wt he earns thru his lifetime, if he got a daughter in his home.

I dont want to talk about old India cos I dnt knw hw exactly it was... giving and accepting dowry during those times might have been a status symbol.. and thats why parents are really interested... may be...but hw about the new gen India... the educated one... It's quite an irony... In some states, the more u r educated, the fatter amount u get as a dowry... Try negotiating for a guy who has competed in UPSC or IIT...nd u ll find that they get dowry as big as half of their lifetime salary...nd wow.. they accept it gracefully without any regret... Such people should be thrown out of their organisations not to teach a lesson to them but to those guys who paid dowry just in the name of their degree or job.

I dont need to mention the number of gals burnt evry year in the name of dowry... aah this topic is rusted now.

India has a great future.......and will always have

India - Our country... Doesn't she has a great future? Look at the booming economy... rapidly improving infrastructure. Be it telecommunications, be it internet, be it bridges, roads and flyovers, be it rail and air connectivity or be it the largest English speaking population, everything seems to be improving at the rate double to ever. And how can we forget our great culture. Isn't that admired all over the world? Last but not the least, increasing global presence of Bollywood, our great film Industry. Everything seems to be a dream come true....

Cut the CRAP. Whatever is written above, its total bullshit.

We are just a part of the ever increasing population of a totally fucked up nation.

India does have a great future but that will always be an event going to happen somewhere in the future and that future is never gonna happen in present. We all are going to die with this thought in our mind that our country has a great future and this is going to continue generations after generations as it has been happening since we became Independent.

India sometimes in past was considered to be a country where Golden Birds lived. It's true. There are Golden birds even today. Topping the list is great politician and probably freedom fighter of a particular community, from Maharashtra, who probably shits in a golden lavatory and that's why we call him a golden bird of our country. I always feel that communism is better than democracy because common man is not going to get hurt in either of them but communism defntly stops persons who want to stop people from travelling across the state of same country.

We have a country where people don't divide themselves based on caste and religion but Sub-Caste and Sub-religion. I must tell you that this Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isaai feud is quite old, it has no more GLAMOR. Like chicks on Ramp u knw, people want to look at fresh ones. That's why they created (2*100o+256) sub-caste. It's not their fault. They just want to maintain the GLAMOR part in their reason to fight. You go to states like Bihar, UP etc and you will deifnitely get to read a newspaper where kids and womens are burnt alive just because they belong to one community or other.

There are lot of Golden birds in our country. I cant name each of them but defntly throw some light on few great achievments.

Do u guys remeber Reservation? Isn't that one of its kind of achievment? We want places to be reserved for a particular community because we feel that the community is not eligible enough to compete with others or in other words I can say that our respected minister felt that the community is a total bullshit, So lets just have some pity on them and sadly the people of that community also fought for this reason. Now what is it? Isn't it a clear endorsment of divsion among people of one nation? What did the guy think while making such decision? That he is going to help a community OR totally ruin its confidence and self respect so that they become beggars and always keep him in power because he was able to throw a voluptous decision into their Kitty which actually brought them down to ground from whatever height they were at. Comon, you don't have enuf skools at primary level to accomodate all the children but you want enuf IITs to accomodate all. They talk about financial help and better education. Just go to a govt school and see what the kids are served with during lunch. I really found it hard to find a name for that meal but whatever it is, it will make you feel sick. Actually they themselves are uneducated otherwise even a mature kid can understand that building the base i.e building the primary education will build the secondry. You just need to provide fianancial help to people who are endeavoring and wait for results.

Another achievment - we have a political party and assocaiations in our country who have only one reason to endorse i.e. Hinduism. I can't blame these guys entirely because its us who vote for them for their reason. No body can believe that such people get vote because they are fighting (actually they are not, they are just playing around) for some temple that was brought down by nobody knows whom and they promise that they will succeed in hurting the sentiments of a particular community (actually its a fault of other community too, why to give shit to wtever they say).

Aah... our culture. The great Indian culture which teaches us to enter into a restraunt. pub or whatever and beat down the girls sitting their. I really feel proud... Why man... why just beat them... let's finsih them. After all its about our culture, rt? What can be the reason for such events? Is it because the people involved are really crazy about our culture (which never mention to beat a women and never prohibits anyone from doing anything) or are they just frustrated because they don't or I should say that they can't get it for themselves?

Whatever... its high time we stopped boasting our past. I definitely admire leaders like Gandhi and Nehru because they fought for us and they fought well. But past is past... if we keep satisfying oursleves with our achievments in past then we are done... we are totally done.

"99.9 percent of us are caught in the Rooster Coop just like those poor guys in the poultry market"

"Every day, on the roads of Delhi, some chauffeur is driving an empty car with a black suitcase sitting on the backseat.
Inside that suitcase is a million, two million rupees; more money than that chauffeur will see in his lifetime.
If he took the money he could go to America, Australia, anywhere, and start a new life. He could go inside the five-star hotels he has dreamed about all his life and only seen from the outside. He could take his family to Goa, to England. Yet he takes that black suitcase where his master wants. He puts it down where he is meant to, and never touches a rupee. Why?

Because Indians are the world's most honest people, like the prime minister's booklet will inform you?

No. It's because 99.9 percent of us are caught in the Rooster Coop just like those poor guys in the poultry market."

This is just an extract from a book that I read recently - The White Tiger by "Aravind Adiga".

How truly said... "99.9 percent of us are caught in the Rooster Coop just like those poor guys in the poultry market".

Doesn't this statement fits perfect into every context relative to 99.9% Indians.? It does...

It does because the thing that most of us have been taught or have seen so far is to work for someone as a servant. This is how entire Indian economy works. Isn't it?

Let's just take the example of services Industry in India which is considered and which actually is the true backbone of Indian economy because that's how the flow happens. Service guys are paid, they spend in market and so other industries flourish too and this becomes a cycle. Don't we remember the condition of Indian market before outburst of IT Service Industry?

But what is it actually?? What is this service industry all about, which is creating so much of hullabaloo in Indian market and society during the period of booms and recessions?

If we try to define it in true sense then it's just a place where people in bulk are fitted into small space (physically similar to the cages where the birds are kept in poultry market) and put on work whenever someone sitting as far as 12000KM needs a cheap white collared labor(however if you go to office daily then u must be knowing that your collar seldom remains white collared, thanks to city pollution). In business term we call the guy sitting 12000KM away as client and ourselves as service providers. But the truth is - we are servants and the guy 12000KM away is the owner. We serve him whatever way he wants (sex outsourcing is not far away).

The same applies inside too. We all are sitting and waiting for instructions from one of our bosses who actually is servant to someone else.

This so truly justifies this statement - "The trustworthiness of servants is the basis of entire Indian economy... ".

But what do you think? The guys sitting inside are not willing to move further, they don't want to be richer, they don't want to be their own boss or are they too loyal towards their company and client?. None actually. They all are just scared to break out and are waiting patiently for their turn to be culled.. They are scared to lose their job. They are scared to lose a constant income which is so microscopic that they can't even afford to have a full flight journey from one place to other. They are scared to lose the peace and little leisure of their life. AND they are scared to loose a false image of being settled.The only difference is that, in the market birds are culled at once and have to bear the pain only once while the guys sitting inside the company go through a gradual process and watch themselves and their career being culled everyday.

If ever someone breaks out, he creates history eg: Narayan Murthy, Dhirubhai Ambani.

This is not limited to just one industry or one company but our mindset is like that, willing to serve others...

The situation is very similar to the driver of the car carrying millions of rupees, who never touches the money not because he's honest but because he's too scared to get fucked up.

Indian Upbringing, its conservativeness and how almighty GOD relates to it.............. meaninglessly

Mr Kumar to Mr Prasad - "Hey kumar, you know what, my son got into IIT, this is one of the greatest day of my life, I am so happy. Thanks God he was able to make it this time, otherwise his future would have doomed".

Mrs Kumar to Mrs Prasad - "You know what, my son got into IIT, this is one of the greatest day of my life, I am so happy. Thanks God he was able to make it this time, otherwise his future would have doomed".

Aren't these conversations very common?. You just need to change the couples name and you can find the same words being spoken everywhere with two noticeable points -
1.The ultimate sense of satisfaction with an achievement as small as making it to IITs or IIMs.
2.The thanksgiving, as if it was GOD (if at all it exists) who wrote the exam instead of their son/daughter.

Both of them are the factors which anyone can use to ruin his/her life.

Now, this is not about criticizing any of Indian class in specific or any of the merit based entrance tests and courses or any of those who truly believe in existence of a super power above all of us, but this is just about how conservatively we all think and how satisfied we are with our ability to succeed among very few.

Here it goes...

The day a child is born in an Indian home, the first thing that everyone indulges into is THANKSGIVING.... no need to mention that it always happens towards GOD... however nobody knows what role did he/she plays in the birth of that child.

Leave the initial few days of upbringing when the kid is busy growing his tooth bcos they count for nothing.

As soon as the kid grows a little, say around 10-12 he's taught to indulge into all kinds of prayer and enjoy himself during 2^n number of festivals in the name of GOD... again no need to mention that there are more than 30000000 GODS and GODDESSES in our country... wtever is the exact figure, add one more to it, thanks to Sachin Tendulkar.

In between all this festive kind of environment devoted to God and Family, parents start dreaming about their kid's success. And where does their dream limits!.... either IITs or IIMs .

This is the worst part... conservativeness in dreaming... people here (few exceptions like NRN murthy and Ratan Tata) decide their life even before they start dreaming. And unfortunately they do the same with their kids too. No one is ready to accept the fact the Scahin Tendulkar, Bill gates, Narayan Murthy, Shahrukh Khan, Bryan Adams... were just ordinary persons and it could be their son or daughter standing next in the list. The thing that matters most is a peaceful life where you could eat you meal three times a day peacefully and probably increase your body weight to 100kgs by the time you are 40.

Now, where does this peaceful life comes from according to the mindset of a normal Indian upbringing?? It comes from a healthy and secured job with Government or with one of the reputed low paying companies (most of the Indian IT behemoths are like that and they are the places where biggest Indian so called skilled labor force works), where it takes ages to buy a car worth more than 5 Lakhs.

Ever thought about why do we have to think so conservatively? It because this is what has been embedded into all of us. This is what we have been seeing since ages and we just expect a little better rather than something big. Such thoughts follow generation after generation. Grandfathers expect little better of themselves from their son and fathers expects little better from their's. Exceptions which break out create history.

This doesn't have to do anything with ur love towards your parents. They of course are the most beautiful things on earth and you have to love them more than yourself. This is about opening up your thoughts, bcos irrespective of being educated or uneducated, working or non-working, most of the times they are not able to see and feel what you can see and you can feel. They might not be the perfect ones to frame up an advice for you or your career.If any of this was untrue, then there wouldn't have been only one of the types of Narayan Murthy and Dhirubhai Ambani in our country and they too have hardly succeeded in making there firms as global as Google or Microsoft.

The thing that matters the most to make it to the top is one's personal thought and approach but if you have been fed with craps like religious belief, rituals, name of 100+ Gods since your childhood, happiness and satisfaction in small achievements, then you try to see a very small part of the world (i.e. your immediate surroundings), you try o satisfy yourself and find peace in small achievements and by the time you realize that there is a lot to do apart form all this time wasting religious and family stuff, its already too late, so you start compromising and ultimately ruin your life like most.

Now for all the parents reading it( I wish some of them read it), please let your kid be free and independent. Don't make him look for reasons like festivals to celebrate. Don't make him believe in God just bcos you believe in it or just bcos you want him to be confident by looking upto GOD and thinking that OKAY there is someone above me because its not true. Just try to memorize, when did it happen for the first time that you came to know about God and the religious beliefs. It happened only wen someone told u. Nobody comes on earth with all this stuffed into his head. These beliefs exist just because we all are looking for a reason to protect us from everything and a reason to look up to. Don't make your kid such coward. If he has to look up to someone then let it be you. And most importantly, don't try to decide his future bcos this way u r just goin to ruin it. You don't bring a kid into this world just to replicate a better you, but to create a new and unique identity, so just let it happen. Don't just praise the soldiers who died or survived, only because they belong to someone else's home. Let one happen in your home too.

Believe me, this way the kids definitely return bak to you and respect you more than ever. I am saying this because I am also someone's son and I feel like returning to them every second.

And if you are not doing this, if you are trying to put your child under conditions and boundaries, or unknowingly forcing your beliefs on him then mind it that you are not protecting him/her, you are just running away form your actual job of Guardianship which actually means letting your child free and watching him groom from a distance. You are in no mood to see your child doing something which no one else has done.